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tv   ABC 7 Morning News at 430AM  ABC  July 7, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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america this morning. >> stay with us for "good morning america." have a great thursday. in the news this thursday morning, mexican government agrees to extend to seven americans still missing off of baja california. >> and a also this morning, a water main break turns a street into a small river. crews are forced to dig up the road to fix it. >> live look at embarcadero this morning, you can't tell it here but the sea breeze is back and that means further cooling in our forecast. i'll tell you how low we'll go. >> and we have an accident that might effect your commute and overnight road work. >> and a man that was shot and killed by bart police was not running or lounging another two
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officers when they opened fire on him. i'm terry mcsweeney in for eric thomas. >> i'm kristen sze. >> it's 4:30. >> east bay mud officials had to shut down a broken water main after a lafayette man found water flowing into his home. it happened around 2:00 a.m. the water flowed half a block and down into a hill into a home. nelson said he woke up thinking he could hear a creek. >> i put my shoes on and went to the living room and saw the sliding glass door and there was five inches of water. >> his garage was also flooded damaging several boxes of personal items. his family had not unpacked everything since moving in. in contra costa county, they are investigating a shooting on a popular pittsburg walking trail that left a man in critical condition. it happened on the delta de anza
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trail. the victim was shot in the back of his head. both east bay regional park police and pittsburg police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the shooting. amy hollyfield will have a live report in less than 30 minutes. >> authorities are extending the search for seven american tourists whose boat capsized. it comes after political pressure coming from the bay area. nick smith is live at coastguard island in alameda. good morning. family members of seven tourists who went missing after their boat capsized have new hope this morning. mexican officials have agreed to continue their search and rescue efforts. mexican and u.s. rescuers have been looking for survivors from sunday's ship wreck in a 1500 mile square region off the coast of san felipe mexico. families called on politicians
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to keep the pressure on mexican authorities and the strategy appears to have worked. >> he was on top deck when he heard some noise and he saw a big wave coming and ran down to the cabin and woke everybody out. by the time everybody came out they were already in nine feet of water. >> there should be a chance of an opportunity to survive in the past 96 hours. that is how we were able to get them to do the search. authorities have said that the call could enable someone to survivor for seven days but they would call off the search earlier today if they found no signs of life. what we do know is this at 5:00 a.m. a rescue team will help to aid in the search. live in alameda, nick smith, "abc 7 news." >> witnesses reportedly come
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forward to talk understanding about the fatal shooting at bart station. the witness says the man who police say was armed with a knife was definitely not running or lounging at the two bart officers when they shot him. he was getting off the train about 9:45 and saw the incident about 30 feet away. the man looked like a drunk hippie and should not have been shot. bart officials say the suspect was aggressive and holding a broken bottle and knife. officers involved are on routine administrative leave. >> in east palo alto they are asking for help to fulfill a promise to break the backs of two gangs in the city. lisa amin gulezian has the story. this is the type of information east palo alto police want. the police chief tried to
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convince the latino community to work with him. >> i'm here to address some of those fears. >> he was vowed to shut down the gang activity in east palo alto. it stems from the gang violence that killed baby isaac last month. he called local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to put pressure on those gang members. >> police chief multiteared approach involves intervention and prevention. they earmarked more than $400,000 on summer youth programs. now, the chief wants this community's support. in a known code of silence is hard habits to break. there is a fear of retaliation. if he talked to police he knew he would be dead man. gonzalez is a former gang member now he helps others. >> it's getting people involved
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to help those that are in those lifestyles to get them out and show them a different way of life. >> the chief insists he is doing that but change starts with trust. a bill to abolish california's death penalty will get a hearing today. they authored the measure and the berkeley democrat called it an expensive failure. taxpayers have spent more than 4 million dollars. the supporters of the death penalty says it's an insult to murder victims and their families. >> a federal appeals court is ordering the u.s. military to stop enforcing the don't ask, don't tell 'policies against gays in the military.
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three-judge panel since the military is appearing to end the policy there is no purpose in enforcing it. retired navy commander first challenged don't ask don't tell in 2003 says it sends a strong message. >> when they see the justice of the law and it treats americans differently and it is unconstitutional. >> they will make their recommendations to the new defense secretary leon panetta tomorrow. >> hot temperatures and back towards the warm temperatures as we head towards the weekend. >> we're going to have cooler than usual temperatures. a lot of things going on. >> good morning to you. 4:38 on this thursday morning, you can see that trough we've been keeping an eye get ever closer to the bay area. as it does the see breeze gets ever stronger and temperatures are going to tumble again today. here is a look what scing on.
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most of us to the mid to upper 50s. by the afternoon hours, only antioch, livermore and clearlake and ukiah will see 90s. low to mid-80s and the north bay and east bay valleys and into the south bay. look at richmond, oakland, san mateo, low to mid-70s and low to mid-60s around half moon bay and in to san francisco. let's go down to the monterey bay, clouds along the coast. 67 in monterey, 72 in santa cruz near 70 in watsonville and salinas. to near 90 in morgan hill. accu-weather seven-day forecast, it will still be warm the next few days and you will drop into the 80s and bay will be in the 70s and near 50s and 60s at the coast. >> we do have an accident in the oakland area, this is northbound 880 at the off-ramp, fifth
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street embarcadero -- pardon me, southbound 880. could be blocking a lane on the on-ramp. westbound 24, fish ranch road, problems there. mass transit is running on time this morning. overnight road work in san rafael between san pedro road and lucas valley road also the alameda prado on-ramp. still ahead, a break in the case of the stolen picasso. surveillance footage and the thief who stole it. >> and hidden bombs, could u.s. officials fight terrorists may be using to outwit airport security. when water doesn't dry, it can leave spots and film.
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finish jet dry rinse agent removes residue and actively dries dishes, for a brilliant shine straight from the dishwasher. finish jet dry rinse agent. finish. the diamond standard.
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10 pieces of the world's best chicken, [ male announcer ] bring home a complete meal for your family. 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of 4 or more for just 20 bucks. today is a kfc day. today tastes so good.
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4:42 on a wonderful thursday morning. slightly cooler temperatures but still warm, 80 to 90s inland. we got some fog after i came in this morning quarter to 3:00. heavy fog on the golden gate bridge. more news, investigators are working on a pair of new leads in the picasso drawing from a union art gallery. they hailed a cab after snatching the piece off the work. they have also released surveillance video which shows the man walking by with a picture frame under his arm. >> picasso is my favorite artist
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and we want to help out. >> they are hoping somebody will recognize him and they plan to scrutinize the video from the impounded cab. and plot to by al-qaeda to kill airline. they are called belly bombs and can be detonated in midair. >> reporter: the reports of so-called belly bombs has led to an you are jechbt alert for increased scrutiny of passengers that are headed to the u.s. that has had recent surgery. they are clearly designed to get around most airport screening machines. medical experts say there is plenty of room to hide a bomb and they would not be detectable on scanners. they disagree whether a bomb
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inside a body would need an external detonator. >> passengers were talking about the new strategy. >> i think people are so desensitized about people trying to blow things up, with shoes, i think we're going to take it as one more attempt trying to scare us and millions dollars of more equipment to scan. >> there is no imminent threat but as passengers travel especially overseas they may see additional measures taken. a routine flight turns into terrifying moments for passengers headed to sacramento. a gaping hole rips open in the plane's roof. hear how the pilots handed the situation.
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>> juror number three in the casey anthony trial speaks out. >> and it's a dream come true for a northern california space enthusiast, special role they'll be playing in nasa's final mission. (announcer) while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns affect 1.2 million homes each year. septic backups can cost
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about six thousand dollars in expense, and countless hours of repair. rid-x. help save yourself from disaster. mmm. oh gosh. oh dear. big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you. there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what? you don't have to be mean to the ke. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like... boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. [ male announcer ] you don't makeby pressing a button.cken it takes a cook. we're kfc and we've got a certified cook in every restaurant freshly making the colonel's original recipe, today and every day. 11 herbs and spices, hand-breaded, hands down the world's best chicken. today is a kfc day. so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits.
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enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good. i like to make roast beef and it leaves a lot of baked on grease. when i took the finish challenge i open the dishwasher, everything was very shiny. i used to use cascade now i use finish quantum. take the finish challenge for yourself. if you don't see a difference, it's free. welcome back. here is a look at high temperatures across the country. we're seeing cooling up around seattle and portland but still cooling around freaks, 108 and low to mid 90 ease along the eastern seaboard and mid-80s around the west. good news if you are traveling by air, nothing is going on. storm over kansas city and rain around miami. if any delays develop we'll have them. casey anthony should learn
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in a couple of hours, whether she'll be a free woman or serve more time in jail. they acquitted her of killing her two-year-old daughter but she will be sentenced for lying to authorities. casey anthony's lawyer says the first verdict was the sweetest. >> but in another exclusive interview, juror number 3 says the case does not remove all suspicion. >> does not guilty does not mean innocent. >> she says there were too many unanswered questions. how did little caylee die. >> how can you punish someone if you don't know what they did? >> why did she wait to report her daughter missing. >> the behavior, bad behavior is not enough to prove a crime. >> prosecutors failed to prove casey killed her daughter. that lingering question could
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dog all her life. the defense attorney said in an interview. >> they think she is a monster. they think she is a cold-hearted killer, nothing could be further from the truth. >> that hasn't stopped her of dreaming becoming mother again. i had a dream that way is pregnant. i thought about adopting. there are so many children that deserve to be loved. >> casey's ordeal is not over. the nanny that kidnapped the child a woman of the same name is suing her. and if she is involved in the case, she couldn't choose not to testify. >> we are going to have a special report on the sentencing hearing, expected sometime during the morning at the 6:00 hour. >> congressional leaders will be meeting with president obama at the white house this morning to discuss the deficit reduction
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and increasing the debt limit. the president wants to work on reaching a deal with congress before august 2nd. they warn the failure to increase the nation's debt ceiling by then could trigger a financial crisis. president obama and john boehner have held a pair of secret meetings at the white house since their golf outing last month. >> who won the match-up? >> i don't know. >> i think john boehner was a heavy favorite. >> basketball will be their next contest. >> who got the more mulligans? >> i think the president. >> and inland areas, definitely a lot cooler. >> a little dew on the grass but you want to get out there earlier thanks to the heat that will be building. still even though we're cooler, still pretty warm in some areas.
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4:51 this morning. we're taking a look at some of the fog that is moving across san francisco. let's move on and talk about what is going to happen today. sunshine and cooler conditions, clouds, hold back to the coastguard and link are during the afternoon hours. clouds will increase each night and slow the warming of the sunshine each morning. that is another reason why the highs will tumble as we head through the weekend. here is a look at the cloud cover, fog developing up around santa rosa, possibly there and for the rest of the bay area. by 9:00 it stops. by 11:00 it's back to the coast. so it may take a little bit longer because the sea breeze will be a little bit stronger. you see at a lot of 60s and 70s around the bay and 80s and 90s. south bay, 87 in los gatos the warm spot. to 81 in sunnyvale. peninsula, redwood city, low
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80s. >> more sunshine on the bay side in south san francisco in mid-60s. sausalito, 70 degrees for you. 78 in petaluma. a lot of low to mid-80s in the north bay valleys and low 60s at your beaches. 69 in berkeley today. low 70s for richmond, oakland, mid-70s around san leandro and hayward and upper 70s to near 80 degrees as you head into fremont. brontwood and livermore, temperatures to near 90. upper 80s to near 90, gilroy and morgan hill. that is warmest weather down to the south. monterey bay, upper 60s to low 70s. around the state. not quite as hot in sacramento and chico, mid 90s and 103 in fresno. a scattered shower possible at yosemite and lesser chances around palm springs and low to mid-80s around san diego and
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los angeles. 48 in santa rosa tonight. low to mid-50s for the rest of the north bay and mid-50s in the rest of our neighborhoods. 64 in antioch and 62 in fairfield. only holdouts in the 60s. we're still watching an area of low pressure to our east, high pressure to our west, wind flows from high to low pressure in lower parts of atmosphere and it will be bit breezier today and tomorrow and temperatures will downward spiral. as we head into saturday, sunday monday, tuesday and wednesday, mid-80s, mid-70s around the bay to near 60 at the coast. have a great day. here is sue hall with traffic. >> good morning. we have a nice calm morning, overnight road work still to be picked up around the dublin interchange. northbound 680 ramp to eastbound 580 is closed until 6:00 this morning. reports in san francisco of an accident, a motorcycle is down at intersection of geoff and
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fell. fish ranch road there is an accident, there a van on the shoulder and bit of slowing. construction through marin county, specifically northbound they are doing resurfacing and walnut creek, traffic is moving well on 680. no reports this morning. anything that has to do with your traffic commute, click on traffic. thanks so much. visitors to yellowstone national park in wyoming are being warned about a grizzly bear that killed a man. he was hiking with his wife when they surprised a mother bear and her cubs. it was the third attack in the yellowstone region in the past year but the first fatality in 25 years. it happened on a backwards trail in the middle of yellowstone park. some other hike others will trail heard the woman cries for help.
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they called 911. the woman escaped with only minor injuries. the area has been sealed off and warnings signs are posted. officials say there will be no effort to track the bear because it was defensive attack. >> flight 812 was traveling from phoenix to sacramento when a six foot hole opened up in the plane. this happened back in april. flight crew remained calm, carefully taking the plane down more than 20,000 feet in five minutes. >> you may hit your your 3:00 position in five miles. >> we'll take it. >> none of crew or 18 passengers on board suffered serious injuries. they believe a manufacturing defect caused the huge crack.
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an inspection of the fleet uncovered other planes with similar problems. >> a man from davis is amongst 150 people that nasa has picked to tweet. he will have a prime viewing spot next to the launch pad, he bought tickets to the launch so his wife and kids will be able to join him. >> but in terms of public events this has to rank up there as a lifetime moment. 5500 twitter contestants competed for a seat. there is a 70% of thunderstorms over the space center which would force them to delay the launch should the thunderstorms happen. kind of iffy at this point. so we'll see what happens. >> next at 5:00, fighting rising crime with a shrinking police
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force. major change coming to the oakland police department that will put more officers on the street starting this weekend. >> there was a shooting overnight on a hiking trail in pittsburg. i'll have the details for you up next. >> and san francisco taxi drivers threatening a one-day strike. issues that will keep a lot of people from getting a ride.
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